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Strix aluco
Interesting facts: The nocturnal tawny owl is a mid-sized owl, which is very common throughout Europe. It is a cavity-nesting bird,...
Phylloscopus sibilatrix
Interesting facts: The wood warbler livens up spring in our beech and mixed forests with its song. At the same time, it...
Asio otus
Interesting facts: The distinctive ears of the long-eared owl have given the species its name. The real ears are found on the side of...
Poecile montanus
Interesting facts: The willow tit is easily mistaken for the marsh tit. They can be distinguished from each other by their songs...
Jynx torquilla
Interesting facts: The small woodpecker, which is rather thrush-like, spends unlike the other woodpeckers its winter in the...
Anthus pratensis
Interesting facts: The meadow pipit likes to stop on fresh marshes and fields when passing through. Here, the female builds the...
Regulus regulus
Interesting facts: Beside the firecrest, the goldcrest is the smallest bird in Europe. It weighs only 5 grammes. It eats insects...
Troglodytes troglodytes
Interesting facts: The wren is the third smallest bird in Europe. It is also known as the “winter wren” because it even...
Phylloscopus collybita
Interesting facts: The little, inconspicuous chiffchaff has an unmistakable song, which gives it its name. Already from the...
Tachybaptus ruficollis
Interesting facts: The only thrush-size little grebe lives hidden usually on small, still waters. It hunts by diving for...