Charadrius dubius
Interesting facts: Early on in spring, the little ringed plover returns to us from Africa of the Mediterranean. It broods mostly on flood plains, Scottish islands and in flat coastal areas. River regulation offers substitute biotopes, such as quarry ponds, sand and gravel pits and large construction sites. A recess formed by the male between the gravel serves as a nest. Enemies are distracted from the nest by being misled by both parents. The bird finds its food on the water surface or on the ground. Insects, larvae, spiders, worms and crustaceans are on its menu.
Characteristics: Small, in its breeding colours highly contrasting brown-white-black coloured wader with intensive yellow eye rings; in its resting colours without the black, instead with brown head markings; underside pure white
Body length: Less than 20 cm (sparrow length)
Distribution: Sparse vegetation, sandy or pebbly river or lake shores, gravel and sand pits; widely distributed, but not common anywhere