Coal tit

Periparus ater

Interesting facts: The coal tit is considered to be a “miniature version” of the great tit. In winter, you can see it on our feeding tables. In summer, it is rarely seen in its habitat of fir, spruce and mixed forests. The coal tit does not only nest in tree hollows, but also it also uses holes in the ground and in cliff crevices and niches. It feeds on insects and in winter, predominantly on pinewood seeds. It also likes to hide these between the conifers for eating later.

Characteristics: The smallest tit in Central Europe, its plumage is similar to that of the great tit but is paler, shiny black head with white cheeks and a white neck patch, wings with two white bands

Body length: Around 10 cm (smaller than a sparrow)

Distribution: Coniferous and mixed forests, parks, gardens with conifers, to the tree limit