Legal information + terms of use
The website and all sub-domains pertaining to the domain is a knowledge database. The operator offers the information on in accordance with the terms stated in the terms of use:
Operator and person in charge in the sense of sec. 5 TMG [German Teleservices Act] is the
Coogni GmbH,
chief executive Angelika Throll-Keller, Victoria Keller,
Diemershaldenstr. 13, D-70184 Stuttgart, Germany
Phone: 0049-711-51892840, Fax: 0049-711-51892850
Amtsgericht Stuttgart HRB 730084
USt-ID: DE 265289022.
©2018, Coogni GmbH, Stuttgart, Germany
pictures: ©Coogni GmbH, Stuttgart, Germany ©Gartenschatz GmbH, Stuttgart, Germany©Dr. Christoph Moning, Freising, Germany
"The content on is for the purpose of information only.
All descriptions assert no responsibility to completeness or accuracy. The
offer of does not include a consulting service, nor recommendations of purchase or use."
"The operator reserves the right to change the information provided in part
or completely, or to remove it from the website - and this without a separate
previous announcement. He additionally reserves the right to adjust services in part or completely, or to offer currently free services on a fee-based model in future."
Observance of copyright laws
"Insofar as no other author or rightholder is expressly mentioned, all rights of the software, the underlying database, the information and other
content lie with the operator. Any other use of the software, data, information, etc. is prohibited. It is prohibited to retrieve the content automatically, e.g. using a script."
Revision 28.2.2018