
Regulus regulus

Interesting facts: Beside the firecrest, the goldcrest is the smallest bird in Europe. It weighs only 5 grammes. It eats insects and spiders, which it finds on conifer twigs, and in spring also nectar and pollen, and in winter seeds. It looks for coniferous or mixed forests with a high percentage of conifers to raise its young. The species builds a thick-walled, round, well-camouflaged feather-lined nest, which hangs between the conifer branches, safe from the wind and with excellent insulation. The young are cared for by the parents for over 30 days.

Characteristics: Multi-coloured plumage with brown, green, yellow, white and black areas. Crown red, red-brown, orange, yellow, in males more orange, in females only yellow, without orange

Body length: Around 10 cm (smaller than a sparrow)

Distribution: Urban areas, parks, allotments, woods, edges of forests, mountains