
Carduelis carduelis

Interesting facts: The not quite sparrow size goldfinch feeds almost exclusively on thistle seeds and other composite flowers. Over 150 different wild herbaceous plants are on its menu. For this, the goldfinch has an especially long and pointed beak. Through skilful coordination the beak and foot, it can scale any plant stalk from below. It often hangs upside-down on seed pods. The only animals it eats are aphids.

Characteristics: One of our most colourful song birds; unmistakable due to its red face mask and white neck ring, and its black crown and nape, black wings with a broad, yellow wing stripe; black, forked tail with white patches; long, pale, sharp beak

Body length: Less than 20 cm (sparrow length),

Distribution: Open deciduous and mixed forests, edges of forests, parks, orchards and gardens with old deciduous trees