Great tit

Parus major

Interesting facts: The great tit is very widely distributed throughout the whole of Europe. We can find it in almost every habitat where they can find nesting hollows. It has a varied diet. Insects, larvae, caterpillars, aphids as well as nuts and seeds are on the menu. Even snail shells and egg shells are eaten and fed to the nestlings. There can be up to a dozen hungry young birds in one clutch. Thus, the hard-working tit parents make a considerable contribution to biological pest control.

Characteristics: Distinctive black-white head, olive-green back, yellow breast and abdomen, males with a broad, females with a narrow black abdominal stripe; blue-grey legs and toes; straight, thin, black beak

Body length: Less than 20 cm (sparrow length)

Distribution: All types of sparse forests, from the coast to the tree line in the mountains, parks, cemeteries, gardens, even in city centres