House sparrow

Passer domesticus

Interesting facts: The house sparrow is one of the best-known and most widely distributed song birds. It can be found wherever there are people. It is incredibly flexible when choosing a nesting place. A roof recess, hole in a wall, abandoned nest or facade greenery are fine for its untidy cup nest. The exceptionally gregarious bird usually searches for food in small groups, even when rearing young.

Characteristics: Males have a black throat bib and grey crown (Image 1), females are paler and less contrasting (Image 2), speckled, striped back; overall impression of the plumage: predominantly beige, brown or grey; straight, thick, powerful, dark beak

Body length: Less than 20 cm (sparrow length)

Distribution: In towns, villages, urban areas, parks and allotments; often a commensal species