Marsh tit

Poecile palustris

Interesting facts: The marsh tit has a black cap, so that it is also known in German as the “nun tit. It is widely distributed throughout Central Europe. The song of the marsh tit seems monotonous and clacking. The species builds its moss padded nest in tree hollows (woodpecker holes) or nesting boxes, which it often uses for many years. In summer, it feeds on insects and spiders, in autumn and winter on seeds and conifer seeds. These are hidden under the tree bark for times of need.

Characteristics: Visually, it is easily confused with its twin species, the willow tit, but its song, behaviour and habitat are different; overall impression of the plumage is light-brown-beige, with a shiny black cap

Body length: Around 10 cm (smaller than a sparrow)          

Distribution: Deciduous and mixed forests, copses, parks and gardens