
Gallinula chloropus

Interesting facts: The moorhen is omnivorous. It predominantly eats aquatic plants, grasses and their seeds and fruits. But also small fish, snails, beetles and even carrion and bird eggs are eaten occasionally. Interestingly, when pairing, the female usually seeks out the most well-nourished male. Before hand, proper power fights take place in order to determine the hierarchy among the females. The moorhen builds several nests. These are also used as courting platforms, sleeping and resting places.

Characteristics: Plumage slate black, white undertail coverts, a white line on the flanks, head with a red frontal shield; red beak with a yellow tip; greenish legs and feet, toes conspicuously long

Body length: Longer than 30 cm (longer than a blackbird)

Distribution: Ponds and lakes, standing or slow flowing rivers with luscious bank vegetation, widely distributed, even in town centres