Reed bunting

Emberiza schoeniclus

Interesting facts: Legend has it, that this bird was given the name reed bunting because it likes to live in pipes. It also builds its cup-shaped nest of sedge, grass and moss at the edge of the reed and cane brake zone. Its main food is grass seeds. Also, worms and insects in summer, which it finds in the wetland areas. The reed bunting is only found looking for food in a field occasionally during winter. During courtship, there are rapid chases and scuffles. The male occasionally raises its distinctive white collar to impress.

Characteristics: Males in mating colours with contrasting black head and white moustache and white throat (Image 1), females brown with stripes and light moustache (Image 2), both sexes underside light with fine stripes on the flanks; tail with distinctive white parts; forked at the end

Body length: Less than 20 cm (sparrow length)

Distribution: Reed zone of water-bodies, marshes, moors and wetland areas