Song thrush

Turdus philomelos

Interesting facts: The song thrush is considered to be one of the best singers in our native bird life. We can hear its melodic, whistling song in the twilight from March to July. The species lives preferentially in forests with dense undergrowth and young spruce trees. There it builds a solid nest from grass and mud in the fork of a branch. It finds earthworms, insects and snails on the ground. It hits the snail shells on a stone to get to the soft body inside.

Characteristics: Plumage upperside is predominantly dark brown, ochre-colour on the breast and flanks, prominent dark triangles on the breast and creamy-white underside; powerful, dark beige beak; hops mechanically on the ground

Body length: 20 to 30 cm (blackbird length)

Distribution: Deciduous, mixed, lowland and coniferous forests with plenty of undergrowth, copses, parks and large gardens with old trees