Starling (!)

Sturnus vulgaris

Interesting facts: The about 20 cm large, purple-coloured starling is a real “star” when singing. It can perfectly imitate other bird and animal voices. Long, varied rhythmic choruses are emphasised with open wing movements. In autumn, you can experience one of the greatest displays in the bird world, the migration of the starlings to their winter quarters. Thousands of the animals collect and migrate south in regular black clouds (Image 2). The species feeds on insects, spiders, worms and fruits.

Characteristics: The overall impression of the plumage mating colours is green-violet (Image 1); the summer plumage from autumn onwards is strewn with white spots on the feather edges; the beak in the mating colours is yellow, the summer plumage is grey; it does not hop on the ground, but rather searches for food with a waddling walk and peaking beak

Body length: Less than 20 cm (sparrow length), 20 to 30 cm (blackbird length)

Distribution: Deciduous, mixed and lowland forests, copses, parks and gardens, in large swarms when not in the mating period

Song: Chattering, whistling or rattling song with many imitations of other bird voices (sparrow, jay, common buzzard, etc.), about also sounds from the environment