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Corvus monedula
Interesting facts: The jackdaw is a somewhat smaller representative of the ravens and crows. As little cavity-nesters, this...
Sylvia communis
Interesting facts: As a migratory bird, the greater whitethroat has its summer quarters in Central Europe and overwinters south of...
Acrocephalus arundinaceus
Interesting facts: The great reed warbler is the largest European reed warbler. It marks its territory with loudly...
Garrulus glandarius
Interesting facts: The favourite food of the jay is acorns, which is reflected in the German name of the bird. It can carry up...
Pica pica
Interesting facts: The magpie is unmistakable with its black-white plumage and shiny metallic play of colours. Even today it is said...
Phasianus colchicus
Interesting facts: The pheasant was introduced predominantly for hunting. It is thought that the Romans were responsible for...
Alauda arvensis
Characteristics: Predominantly beige-brown plumage, upperside camouflage grey-brown; often continuous striped head feathers with a...
Locustella naevia
Interesting facts: A grasshopper warbler flushed out of its hide slips like a bolt into thick vegetation, reminding us of a...
Passer montanus
Interesting facts: Contrary to the house sparrow, the tree sparrow is a rather shy bird. It is commonly found in open landscapes...
Loxia curvirostra
Interesting facts: The red crossbill is the most widely distributed crossbill species in Central Europe. Its compact stature and...