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Interesting facts: The grey goose is the wild form of our domestic goose. It feeds on water plants and grasses, dandelions, clover and...
Ardea cinerea
Interesting facts: The grey heron, which is nearly one meter tall, mainly lives of fish, but also preys on small mammals,...
Muscicapa striata
Interesting facts: The spotted flycatcher is not in the least frightened of people. It likes to brood in tree hollows, but also...
Picus canus
Interesting facts: The grey-headed woodpecker is a ground woodpecker like its European “twin”, the green woodpecker. It immigrated to...
Carduelis chloris
Interesting facts: The green finch is commonly found in towns as a typical hedge and shrub breeder. With its bright yellow...
Picus viridis
Interesting facts: The green woodpecker is also known as the “yaffle” thanks to its characteristic territorial call. Besides the...
Ficedula albicollis
Interesting facts: The behaviour of the collared flycatcher is very similar to the closely related pied flycatcher. Just like...
Lophophanes cristatus
Interesting facts: The less sociable crested tit lives preferentially in the crown of spruce forests. It is only seen in...
Phoenicurus ochruros
Interesting facts: The black redstart comes originally from the mountains. With its adaptability, it has also spread into...
Passer domesticus
Interesting facts: The house sparrow is one of the best-known and most widely distributed song birds. It can be found wherever...